
Complaint Form

Complaints involving financial reporting and auditing matters may be dealt with by the AFRC to ensure protection of the public interest. Please provide documents and explanations to support your allegations. Clear, concise information about the relevant events, individuals who were involved, and dates will assist us in assessing the matter. If you are unable to provide relevant information, the AFRC may not have sufficient grounds to pursue your complaint.

The more details and support you provide to the AFRC, the greater the usefulness of the information. Please use this form to file a complaint if you think there is;

  • misconduct (see Q8 to Q11 in FAQ for definitions of "misconduct") of a certified public accountant (CPA) registered with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, practice unit (practice unit) registered with the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (including a practising certificate holder practising in his own name, corporate practice or CPA firm) or overseas auditor recognised by the AFRC to perform a public interest entity engagement (recognised PIE auditor); or
  • non-compliance with relevant financial reporting standards in a listed entity’s financial report.

Add another involved party

What is the nature of your complaint?

Please respond to each item and give further details.

Nature of wrongdoing

Financial information

Nature of engagement

What are the facts and circumstances of your complaint?

Please highlight and describe your key concerns about each allegation separately.

You are encouraged to provide documents and explanations to support your allegations (e.g., through your own observation of events, documents you have seen or information communicated by another party).

Clear, concise information about the relevant events, individuals who were involved, and dates (in chronological order) will assist us in assessing the allegations. The AFRC may be unable to pursue your complaint if sufficient information is not provided.

If you need more space, please continue on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to this form.

What information and/or documents support your complaint?

Please attach copies of all relevant documents here. The textbox below should contain the title and date of the documents and provide a brief description of the information, and an explanation of why that information supports your complaint.

If you need to submit files of total size larger than 60 MB, please submit the additional files in another complaint form or by email or post to the AFRC.

Have you reported your complaint to any other regulatory body or law enforcement agency?

If applicable, the AFRC may communicate with other regulators or agencies to gain insight about your allegations.

Your name and contact details

Please provide us with your name and contact details so that we can follow up with you on your complaint, if necessary. Anonymous complaints may severely constrain our ability to pursue the matter.

Given name
Other English or Chinese name
Family name
Contact telephone number
Email address

Your consent and confirmation

When evaluating a complaint, the AFRC may need to contact the subject(s) of the complaint to obtain further information. Details of the complaint may have to be disclosed to those parties. Without your consent* of disclosing the information and document(s) provided by you to those parties, we may not be able to take further action for your complaint.

You may choose to remain anonymous. If so, the AFRC will not reveal your identity to outside parties. However, in some situations, your identity could be apparent from the complaint made by you.

By submitting this complaint form: (please tick as appropriate)

* Normally the AFRC will not disclose your complaint and your personal information unless you consent or unless we are legally obligated to do so. However, under the Accounting and Financial Reporting Council Ordinance (Cap 588) and the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486), the AFRC may, under certain circumstances, disclose your complaint or your personal information to other parties without your consent.

Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance

Your complaint may include personal data as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) (the PDPO). Under the PDPO, the AFRC may collect and use personal data to perform its functions as a financial regulator. The AFRC’s policies and practices with regards to any personal data provided by you are set out in the AFRC’s website.