Investigations and Enquiries
- annual renewal of practising certificates
- annual renewal of CPA Firm, Corporate Practice and PIE Auditor registrations; and
- application for registration as a Registered PIE Auditor.
Policy and Oversight
Investigations & Enquiries
The Accounting and Financial Reporting Council (AFRC) is committed to regulating the accountancy profession. An effective regulatory regime of the accountancy profession is crucial for the business community and is essential for maintaining Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre. Any person who possesses information and/or evidence which suggests that there are or may be misconduct of a certified public accountant (CPA) registered with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants or an auditor registered with or recognised by the AFRC or non-compliance with relevant accounting standards in the financial statements of a listed entity may lodge a complaint with the AFRC.
If you acquired information about the alleged wrongdoing or misconduct as an employee working under a certified public accountant registered with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, an auditor registered with or recognized by the AFRC or a listed entity, or through working with them, or from sources close to them, you may make a whistleblowing report to the AFRC.
Accurate, complete information is required to properly assess allegations of misconduct or non-compliance. Therefore, the complaint should include:
(i) the name and contact information of the CPA, practice unit and its registered responsible persons, recognised PIE auditors and/or entity concerned;
(ii) a description of the alleged misconduct or non-compliance;
(iii) copies of any relevant documents or records supporting the allegations in your complaint; and
(iv) your full name and contact details.
The following factors will assist the AFRC when assessing complaints received -
- Clear, concise explanation of the allegations;
- Matters involving misconduct or non-compliances with a material impact; and
- Allegations that are substantiated by sufficient, appropriate evidence.
It should be noted that the AFRC would not assess matters that are vexatious, misconceived, or contain elements of bad faith. Furthermore, mathematical errors, typographical or grammatical mistakes, and/or presentation issues with minimal financial impact on the financial statements would not be considered pursuable matters.
For more information, please refer to Complaint Guidelines.
Email address:
Mailing Address:
Attn: Investigation and Compliance Department
Accounting and Financial Reporting Council
10/F, Two Taikoo Place
979 King's Road
Quarry Bay
Hong Kong